Happy Birthday English-Speaking Union!


Our final Paul Cox piece! 100 years of great works for the advancement of students, artists, and the preservation of English speaking culture linked about the globe! Depicted here is our lovely home in New Orleans, with our Chairman Paul Beresford-Hill CBE, KSt.J , Shakespeare finalist Rohan Padmakamur, future language advocate and scholarship winner, Serena Newberry, our Opus Opera friends Irini Kyriakidou and Christian Vial, performing in Gala tonight, entrepreneur James Coleman jr. and of course, Quinn and I celebrating in “White-tie”. Paul did a wonderful job on our gala triptych and we always be very grateful! As we are to all the wonderful artists who made works of encouragement and support. Tonight is going to be magical and we’re so glad to be surrounded by friends as share the stage with Maestro Ryan McAdams and the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra.


Michael Harold